Let’s solve the problem we REALLY have.
Lobbyists, insurance companies, and politicians, even health care providers have been talking about “The Healthcare Crisis” as though we need a financial solution to a social health problem. Between the lines is the assumption that we are suffering in our physical body because we are being bled-dry by the cost of health care.
In my opinion, they still have it wrong. [And] if we buy into the notion that having more money will actually make us healthier, WE'VE got it all wrong. I’m saying: The TRUE CRISIS is people are not choosing to be healthy.
Hear me out: I believe SOMETHING SHOULD be done at the public policy level—I’m glad the debate has started. However, bear in mind this one fact clearly: Our current healthcare system will neither make us healthy, nor prevent us from experiencing illness—no matter how good it is, or how much money you pour into it.
If we want to achieve VITALTY, we have to do something ENTIRELY DIFFERENT.
You and I have to make healthier choices in the first place. This means nutritious, preferably organic food, preferably grown locally with no use of hormones and pesticides. It means that we have to exercise, stay strong, flexible, and active in our lifestyles. It means choosing not to ingest poisonous foods, substances, and toxic news. Achieving vitality also means having a stress-management plan to balance your body's energy and anxiety—and clear our minds to focus on what's important.
For those who are dealing with health challenges, it means being willing to work with complementary health professionals whose goal is to actually increase vitality rather than merely manage the symptoms of disease.
There are natural healers in every town and community. Some of them are acupuncturists, naturopaths, chiropractors, nutritionists, and massage therapists. As a pioneer in the health and wellness industry, I have developed a technique that helps you reach vitality through great posture. Wherever you begin your journey, you will be among people who you can relate to. Just start somewhere—today.
At the
As this summer fades into autumn, I am asking you to join me in reclaiming control of every aspect of your health. Here are some simple things you can do to get started:
1--Don’t read or watch ANYTHING that makes you feel bad. It makes you nervous, which makes you eat, drink and smoke. Instead, read and watch things that INSPIRE you and make you LAUGH, which will calm you and relax your spirit.
2--This month, buy ORGANIC foods. Ask for ORGANIC salads at your favorite eatery.
3--Choose one place to walk to, that you would have otherwise driven or taken a ride. If you are headed to the store, walk this time. If you would take the elevator, try the stairs for at least one floor, and add more later.
Finally, It’s up to me and YOU to respond to the true health crisis. What are your health goals?
What will you do TODAY that will make a difference for yourself and your family? ∞∞∞