When you can answer these questions all YES—your back is likely to not bother you, be pain-free, and function considerably well. However, if you feel like you’re having trouble in this part of your body—you’re feeling either tightness or constriction or inflexibility, ask yourself, ”What am I doing that involves other people that I am no longer enjoying as much as before? Or is there an issue/or incomplete relationship with somebody in that group?”
Few people realize that their subconscious body will even slouch into a posture of resignation or soul-protection in order to coexist with people you are not in harmony with. But eventually, they DO notice that their back hurts and they are physically uncomfortable. Resolve that issue and very often a miracle might occur for you. That is—the pain and constriction is likely to fade away. However, there is a cause and effect that can influence change in the other direction. Improve the flexibility and strength of your back, and not only will your back feel better, but also your relationships and feelings about that person or group will improve. At the end of the article, you will find two exercises that will facilitate your progress. But what lies deeper in truth for you?
Throughout our lives, we make choices that we feel will lead to happiness. It works for awhile. We enjoy it and its fulfilling for us. However, sometimes we reach a point when it’s really time to move on. Very often, WE have changed, but the group did not; or they have moved in a direction that is no longer compatible with our own journey.
That’s the moment to say to ourselves: “This was a good thing for me. Now that this chapter of my life is complete, I want to say thank you. This has been good…I wish you well. You helped me change and grow. I will remember you fondly. Blessings to you and your family.”
When you do this regularly and confidently, you may find a sense of inner freedom and personal ease in your life.
This time of year offers us the opportunity to reflect upon the value of friends, relations, and our social networks, and spiritual communities. Even more, the economic environment forces us to strongly consider the energy and value exchange of everything we do and everything we are involved in.
I challenge you to examine your life this season. Are you on track with who you are meant to be? Are the people in your life completely supportive of you and your journey? Is it time to make some “course-corrections” on your life path?
Here are some exercises you can do that will help your body make changes that will give you greater access to your authentic self:

Seated reach back
For information on how to do these exercises, please email us at mika@reposturing.com