Monday, February 26, 2007

Mystery is the Enemy of Good Health

Mystery is the Enemy of Good Health

Just after last month’s newsletter posted, my brother Darryl admitted himself into the hospital with chest pains to get himself checked out. Turns out that the blood flow from his heart was only 15% of maximum. He could have gone another month or so, and I’d be writing an obituary right now.

An avid golfer, he also jogged 2-3 times per week. What he did not knew was the smoking and poor diet was catching up with him at a faster pace than he could run from it. We could have lost him.

On Oscar Sunday, February 25th, he is back on his feet with a new appreciation of the value of knowing the health of your heart. In his own words:
“For any male over the age of 25, I highly recommend that he go get a heart ultrasound to know the actual strength of your heart. It doesn’t matter how healthy you are—you should still get it checked.”

So everyone, (especially us, guys), needs to start today—schedule every test for every vital sign there is. The more you know your scores, the better shots you can call to win the game. So far, I’ve recently had my blood pressure, bone density, body fat, fasting blood sugar, and cholesterol checked. Next for me are prostate and heart.

How about you?

Hey folks! I have a new Myspace account! Got a posture comment or question? Got a general health/fitness question? Add me on Myspace!

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