After our June and July Newsletters were sent out, we received several comments from readers who wanted to speak out about how they felt about Michael Moore's movie, Sicko. We read the emails and responses and decided that they need to be heard. So, here are a few of their comments:
Hi Aaron.....
Good to hear from you. I encourage you to talk to ANYONE who's lived in Canada or
Russia or England that has lived with socialized medicine. They do NOT like it! For many reasons.
Anything our government runs is a nightmare to deal with........don't fall for the hype. The USA has THE best health care in the world.......people come here from other countries to get treatment that they can't in their own country. CHOICE of having the best doctors take care of you is what we to anyone on Medicare or son SUCKS! Crappy doctors and minimal treatment if any! So I hope you take it further and find out the Michael Moore is know for his twisting of facts and down right distortion of truth. Ask the soldier that is suing him for misrepresenting him in his last movie.........Moore would not even reply to this soldier out of courtesy.
Good, responsible care is what we need. It is the GYNORMICE costs that hospitals charge that has to be addressed. But don't put your life in the hands of someone who's treating you and answering to the GOVERNMENT as to how........ [Hospital name removed] is another example of the insurance company and the doctors being run by the same people. [It's] is ok for mundane type of things......but God forbid you should get really ill.........I have man y stories of their incompetence.
And I have a client that worked there that was so horrified by the lack of quality care.........SHE LEFT!................................think for yourself Aaron.........don't let the likes of Michael Moore play you for a're much to smart for that. Love you much anyway,
Hi Aaron, You made a good point about Sicko. I don't believe there is one perfect answer for health care. It is and we are constantly evolving and changing. Moore did a great job of showing huge holes in our system. To me fundamental shift underway is what he mused on at the end..... going from me to we. All the best, Max
Hi Aaron,
I took a few minutes to read your ezine and wanted to congratulate you on both the format and the content.
Please include me on your list of people interested in the Sicko discussion group. I think that there is a great probability that this film could have the same wake-up call effect that the Gore film has had. Right movie; right time.
Your comment: "Whatever solution we end up with MUST hold us personally responsible for making healthy choices in the first place." reminded me of my basic rationale for working to get Health Freedom legislation passed in California (SB577 in 2002; The more freedom people have to make choices about the kind of services they can legally use, the greater their responsibility for making that choice. In our current treatment-based system, we default our choices and our responsibility to the cult of experts. Perhaps in a later issue, you might want to describe the largely unknown, but revolutionary shift, that SB577 brought about.
In touch,
David P.
Hi Aaron - I am loving all that you are doing. I am also looking forward to seeing Sicko (saw Michael Moore on the Bill Maher show a few weeks ago) and agree that taking your health into your own hands is of vital importance.
All the best,
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