Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Posture, Beauty, and Attraction

Throughout history [all living beings in Nature] have a mating dance or ritual. It varies from species to species. [But] I can't think of anything except amoeba or earthworms where there are two animals of opposite gender that just randomly bump into each other, have sex, and go on about their business.

In Nature, it's a very simple equation: the strongest, smartest, most virile males get the better choices for mates and control of the herd. The weaker males get nothing, get beaten up, and are more quickly devoured by predators.

The most fecund, resourceful, strongest females get the best choices for mates. The weaker females are ostracized and eventually are quicker to be consumed by predators.

The males use posture and strength to establish and maintain control of their females and position in the herd. The females work to feed and protect their offspring and themselves.

In nature, the rules are simple: Avoid predators and poisonous foods. Eat for strength and longevity. Dominate the gene pool. Perpetuate the species. Male or female, young or old-the stupid, weak, and sick are devoured by scavengers or predators.

We entertain ourselves with the mating rituals in nature. However, we will learn a lot about ourselves when we seek to master the mating rituals of our complex human species.

In civil society, we variegate ourselves by size, class, color, politics, gender, sexual preferences, personality, food preferences, roles in our profession, so on and so on.

What works is when people are living the life they want to live; being the person they are meant to be. What works in relationships is when people are living authentically as themselves AND they are complementary and compatible with the other person living as their authentic self as well.

What does not work is when there is an incompatibility or mismatch in ideals, preferences, needs, or personality. What disappoints and causes difficulty in finding your ideal mate is when you start out with the behavior of one lifestyle, and then, the more you become your true self, the less compatible you actually are.

The best recipe for finding your soul mate starts with finding your true self, in the best of health and circumstances. The best health starts with a strong, flexible body and great posture.

When you hold your body upright, open and free, as your body and soul are meant to be, you make a statement: "This is the true me, this is the mission I am sent to do for the world." In effect, your posture becomes your mating call. You even vibrate to the frequency of your journey and destiny as an authentic being.

Whatever your posture says about you will be magnified by the people around you. You slouch and losers will reinforce your mediocrity. Carry yourself confidently in the right places and the perfect partner will join you in your journey to be the best person you are meant to be.

If you don't have a partner right now, take this as an opportunity to self reflect and discover yourself at your best. Are you vital, strong, upright, and flexible? Are you in your right livelihood? Are you on the personal and spiritual journey that will lead you to your greatest contribution to the world? Start in any of these places and begin your journey toward self-mastery and your authentic self.

Many people make their wish list for an ideal mate without making sure they have their own act together-and their posture says it all: "I don't have my act together and I will drain the life out of you if you try to change me or help me overcome my wounds and weaknesses."

On the other hand, I see people with great posture, who receive raises, promotions, offers, and opportunities-all the time. Perfect posture helps make people whole. The process of achieving great posture helps you shed unnecessary layers of guilt, shame, anger, and hurt. Ultimately you reveal your inner beauty. You love yourself for who you truly are at your best. You enter and built a relationship with your whole and sufficient self in tact.

When two people bring their wholeness together to build a relationship, what they create is greater than the sum of two hearts. This is the purpose of the entire mating ritual for every higher species-Isn't it?

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